Monday, June 30, 2008

One Week Old Today

Now they are one week old and beginning to get feathers.  They look a bit scraggly and like they have a bad hairdo.  I had to move them to a bigger box.  They are growing very fast.  At four weeks old they will be moved to a cage.  By five weeks old they won't need the heat lamp any more.

American Museum of Natural History

On Saturday my daughter and I visited the Museum of Natural History in New York City.  It was quite the adventure.  We took a train to Penn Station and then rode a city bus to the museum.  While we were there we saw the Planetarium show.  We also saw LOTS and LOTS of rocks and minerals.  I will be able to show you the pictures when we do our Earth Science unit. We also saw dinosaurs and various artifacts from all over the world.  One thing we learned was that all through history, all over the world, ALL people like to eat, listen to music, and wear hats and costumes!  On the way home we took a subway back to Penn Station and then the train back to the station for the car trip back home. 

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Now There are 8!

Here is a brief video of all eight.  Three more hatched today while I was at a workshop.  My daughter put them in the brooder for me.  Now I need to think about building a cage!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Day 19

Today is the day!  So far 5 eggs have hatched.  One more looks like it has pipped and will try to hatch.  Here is a brief video of the first two hatchlings just minutes old, and the third egg that is getting ready to hatch.  These guys are a bit camera shy, and my camera is not the best.  I didn't get good video of the hatching.  

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Whoever said "patience is a virtue" never had to wait for eggs to hatch!  I have 9 eggs left after disposing of those that did not show signs of development.  Several of them have started moving around in their egg, and every once in a while you can see the egg move.  Today is day 15 and they are due to hatch any minute!  I have stopped turning them.  Now, it's just wait, and wait, and wait! Hopefully, tomorrow I will have some pictures of hatching quail to post.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

One Yolker

Tonight I candled the eggs.  One was definitely a yolker and was disposed of.  One I am not sure about.  The other nine have well developed air pockets.  Two of the eggs were "rockin' and a rollin'" all over the place this morning.  Maybe they are the ones that will hatch first.  I can barely contain myself!  Tomorrow I will put water in the water tray.  Wednesday I will add more water, stop turning them and lower the temperature one degree.  Then, it's wait and see!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Homemade Brooder

Due date for the little "fellas" to hatch begins around Thursday or Friday of this week.  In preparation for them I researched and then build a brooder box for them.  I candled the eggs last night and found that two of them are probably "yolkers".  I will recheck on Sunday night to be sure and dispose of those that will not hatch.  Two of the eggs have begun to form the air pocket.  That means that they will most likely hatch first.  The other seven eggs do show signs of development.  I am very excited.   

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

No Heartbeat Yet

I tried candling the eggs today.  It was very hard to see anything with all those brown spots.  I think most of them are fertile, but I won't know for sure for another week.  I even tried listening with a stethoscope.  No luck.  I might have heard a heartbeat in one of the eggs, but again it's too early to tell.  I'll check again in a few days.  However, these little guys are supposed to start hatching beginning around next Thursday.  So, by the time I find out it may be almost time to hatch!  

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My New Incubator

Here is a picture of my new "homemade" incubator with new eggs. I am hoping they will hatch in time for the end of school so that I can post pictures of them here for you to see. Check back the last week of school as well as during the summer. I will be posting pictures of the hatching and the baby Cortunix Quail as they grow.

I will be visiting some museums and other interesting places this summer. Check back for pictures!