Monday, July 28, 2008

Slide Show

I found a web hosting site that is pretty cool.  It lets you upload your photos (really fast) and you can create slide shows and share pictures quick and easy.  So, here goes:

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Quail Crowing

Here is a great short little video I found on YouTube of a Coturnix Quail crowing.  I had thought that the little sounds my quail were making was the crowing.  Then, I found, through research on the WEB, that the boy quails don't start to crow until 6 weeks old or so.  So, what I heard was not really crowing.  Well, here it is:

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Four Weeks Old

It's hard to believe how much the little guys grew in just four weeks. Here is a photo of  the least camera shy of the group. Henry (aka Henrietta if eggs are involved) is not afraid to come right up to the camera and smile for the picture.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Day Outside

Today the quails got to spend the day outside.  I removed the droppings tray and just set the cage on the grass.  They had a blast eating all the nummy little bugs.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Another New Friend

Here is "Buckwheat".  He is the littlest of all the quail.  He also hatched last from the littlest egg.   I think he may be a boy.  However, we may just have to wait a bit longer to see.  He is holding his own with the bigger birds.  He is also getting in some nice reddish brown feathers.  These birds are a bit camera shy, but I will try to get a picture of each one and post it as I name them.

Friday, July 11, 2008

New Digs!

Today I moved the quail to their new cage.  They had a little trouble walking on the wire at first.  However, they adapted pretty well.  I think this will help keep them a bit cleaner in the long run.  I use corn cob bedding for them.  The information that I researched said that hard wood bedding is bad for their eyes, cedar is poisonous, and the paper stuff they sell is a bit of a pain.  Besides, I can use the droppings for fertilizer because the corn cob is biodegradable. 
In a couple of weeks I will have decided who will go into two different groups of four and put four in each cage.  Although, if the one cage is big enough and nobody fights, I'll keep them all together.  I have also started cataloging some of them by taking pictures.  The white ones now all look a bit different from each other.  I have named the brown one "Jimmi".  We are pretty sure he is a boy because of his coloring.  Th
e two golden ones are "Buckwheat" and "QT Pie".  I think Buckwheat is a boy.  His has some reddish feathers and he was crowing "court-ney, court-ney" this morning.  I'm pretty sure QT Pie is a girl.  I have named only one of the white ones.  He was also crowing this morning when I moved them all to their new cage.  His name is "Henry".
This is  Jimmi.  He is the first one that was named.  He was also the first to hatch.  My daughter thought he looked like those chocolate sprinkles that you put on ice cream.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Two Weeks Old Today

The quail are two weeks old today and have lots of feathers.  I can't believe how big they have gotten!  I may have to put them in their cage a week early.  Some of the white ones have black feathers growing on top of their heads.  This makes them look like they are sporting a funky Mohawk.  It's really cool to watch these little guys grow and change.  I should be the expert by next spring when we hatch them and watch them grow in class.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Metropolitan Museum of Art

Today my daughter and I went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  We visited the Greek exhibit, the Egyptian exhibit, and the Medieval armor.  We also visited an exhibit called "Comic Book Heroes".  We saw the costumes of some famous movie characters such as Spider Man, Wonder Woman, and The Iron Man.   We also saw the armor that King Henry the VIII wore.   I took lots of pictures, but you are not allowed to use any flash.  We were not allowed to take any pictures at all in the Comic Book section.  This is a picture of a Greek Horse statue that I took in the Greek exhibit.  We really found it interesting that a lot of the treasures from ancient history that have been found are funerary in nature. A lot of caskets, burial boxes, etc.